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Display design is an integrated design art , is a practical , to visual arts space design . Is a psychological impact on the audience , creative thinking and behavior design activities .
Through conferences, exhibitions , fairs activities , the use of the space environment , the use of construction , engineering, visual communication means , with exhibition facilities, the spread of information and content to be presented in public.

Exhibitors must understand that design is an important part of the exhibition shows work, but not all, of the exhibition of work ; must understand that this is not a design exhibition display purposes , but only a means to an exhibition purposes ;
Must understand that the performance of the exhibition of art exhibitions with specific means of abstract intentions, then can not be denied because of the art on display feature. A perfect exhibition design will bring unexpected effect throughout the exhibition , played the role of a surprise move .

Shanghai Knowhow Design has accumulated many years of successful exhibition experience, we think that a good exhibition design must follow the five principles

A principle purpose
Curator exhibition starting at select targets , implementation on achieving goals exhibition , reflected in the details of each design. Follow the principle purpose , the designer should handle the following relations :
( 1 ) deal with the relationship between exhibitors and designers
Relations ( 2 ) deal with art and exhibitions
Relations ( 3 ) exhibitions and trade deal
( 4 ) the relationship between good management and exhibition design exhibitions other work

Two artistic principles
Exhibition design should be artistic. Exhibition design artistic performance in several ways.
( 1 ) attractive booth
( 2 ) booth exhibitors reflects the image to convey the intent of exhibitors
( 3 ) booth to attract visitors attention , arouse their interest in visiting

Three functional principle
Exhibition design should also be functional, designers consider the design of external form , when image, but also need to consider the intrinsic function , which is to provide a good environment and conditions for the booth staff and booth work .
Because the exhibit booth personnel rely on to achieve the ultimate aim , the working efficiency of the final decision exhibit booth personnel effect . In a comfortable , functional environment, booth staff can work more efficiently .

Four scientific principles
Exhibition planning is a creative thinking activities , but it is by no means arbitrary , but with scientific rigor . Before taking action to publicize the exhibition : The first performance in exhibition planning to follow certain procedures
Must be on the market situation, consumer attitudes , social environment, competitors conduct thorough research ; Then , based on the available information and information comprehensive analysis to identify the key points the problem,
OK exhibitions goals, develop plans and specific embodiments of the exhibition ; finally, to assess the effect of the exhibition , the exhibition until the realization of corporate objectives and marketing goals.

Five principle of flexibility
Due to increasing competition, the level and structure of demand constantly updated , the market environment is changing rapidly . In this case , even a most appropriate exhibition planning , also due to market conditions ,
Changing constraints and influencing factors had to be adjusted. Modern exhibition planning reflects on the one hand, while its scientific , but also has considerable flexibility .
This is mainly due to the modern exhibition planning process is not a one-way decision-making process , but a two-way circulation like decision-making process . From the beginning to the end of the exhibition shows the effect of the research assessment
Changes in market and consumer reaction against time to adjust and revise their programs , making the entire exhibition planning activities to maintain sufficient flexibility .

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